Process Scheduler Cache
Application Engine PeopleCode and Application engine sections and SQL.
In order to clear the Process Scheduler cache , the process scheduler needs to be shut down.
Component Interface
Application Engine People Code
Application Engine sections
To delete process scheduler cache, you need to manually delete all the files and folders
in this directory $PS_HOME/appserv/prcs/{YOUR-ENV-NAME}/cache on the process scheduler machine(s).
Application Engine
If you are having an issue with an application engine still running old code after a project migration then ask for a Process Scheduler cache clear.
The other 2 types of server cache DO NOT need to be cleared.
If your application engine calls a component interface and you recently migrated a change to the component interface, generally a Process Scheduler cache clear is needed. The other 2 types of server cache DO NOT need to be cleared.
COBOL does not use CACHE. If you are having a COBOL issue cache has nothing to do with it. Do not waste your time trying.
SQR does not use CACHE. If you are having a SQR issue cache has nothing to do with it. Do not waste your time trying.
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Process scheduler has it’s own cache apart from the application server cache. It keeps its own copies of Component Interfaces,Application Engine PeopleCode and Application engine sections and SQL.
In order to clear the Process Scheduler cache , the process scheduler needs to be shut down.
Component Interface
Application Engine People Code
Application Engine sections
To delete process scheduler cache, you need to manually delete all the files and folders
in this directory $PS_HOME/appserv/prcs/{YOUR-ENV-NAME}/cache on the process scheduler machine(s).
Application Engine
If you are having an issue with an application engine still running old code after a project migration then ask for a Process Scheduler cache clear.
The other 2 types of server cache DO NOT need to be cleared.
If your application engine calls a component interface and you recently migrated a change to the component interface, generally a Process Scheduler cache clear is needed. The other 2 types of server cache DO NOT need to be cleared.
COBOL does not use CACHE. If you are having a COBOL issue cache has nothing to do with it. Do not waste your time trying.
SQR does not use CACHE. If you are having a SQR issue cache has nothing to do with it. Do not waste your time trying.
Aspiring for a position where my knowledge, skills and experience as Data Base Administrator and
application administrator can be effectively used for the development of my organization and for personal advancement.
how to enable ruler in Word -- > Just there will be a small box at right hand side of roller , you click it on thats all