Friday, 29 September 2017



Chinnakkalai,MK,Mahesh,TAJ C
28/09/2017 08:51:38.029
28/09/2017 07:28:49.455
28/09/2017 07:28:37.445

SELECT DECODE (l.BLOCK, 0, 'Waiting', 'Blocking ->') user_status
,CHR (39) || s.SID || ',' || s.serial# || CHR (39) sid_serial
,(SELECT instance_name FROM gv$instance WHERE inst_id = l.inst_id)
,DECODE (l.TYPE,'RT', 'Redo Log Buffer','TD', 'Dictionary'
,'TM', 'DML','TS', 'Temp Segments','TX', 'Transaction'
,'UL', 'User','RW', 'Row Wait',l.TYPE) lock_type
,DECODE (l.lmode,0, 'None',1, 'Null',2, 'Row Share',3, 'Row Excl.'
,4, 'Share',5, 'S/Row Excl.',6, 'Exclusive'
,LTRIM (TO_CHAR (lmode, '990'))) lock_mode
--,DECODE(l.BLOCK, 0, 'Not Blocking', 1, 'Blocking', 2, 'Global') lock_status
   gv$lock l
   gv$session s
ON (l.inst_id = s.inst_id
AND l.SID = s.SID)
JOIN gv$locked_object o
ON (o.inst_id = s.inst_id
AND s.SID = o.session_id)
JOIN dba_objects d
ON (d.object_id = o.object_id)
WHERE (l.id1, l.id2, l.TYPE) IN (SELECT id1, id2, TYPE
FROM gv$lock
WHERE request > 0)
ORDER BY id1, id2, ctime DESC; 


SELECT  distinct a.sql_id, a.blocking_session,a.blocking_session_serial#,
where a.sql_id=s.sql_id
and blocking_session is not null
and a.user_id <> 0
and a.sample_time between to_date('27/09/2017 00:00', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi')
and to_date('28/09/2017 23:50', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi');

SELECT  a.sql_id,a.session_id,a.session_serial#, a.blocking_session,a.blocking_session_serial#,A.SAMPLE_TIME,
where a.sql_id=s.sql_id
and blocking_session is not null
and a.user_id <> 0
and a.sample_time between to_date('28/09/2017 09:00', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi')
and to_date('28/09/2017 10:30', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi');

select session_id from V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY where BLOCKING_SESSION='852';


select plan_table_output from table (dbms_xplan.display_awr('57nvt1ay0ggt2'));

SQL_ID 57nvt1ay0ggt2
Plan hash value: 3735639707
| Id  | Operation          | Name                          | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | DELETE STATEMENT   |                               |       |       |     2 (100)|          |
|   1 |  DELETE            | BT_CWK_CONTRACT_EMP_PROV_INFO |       |       |            |          |
|   2 |   INDEX UNIQUE SCAN| BT_CWK_CONTRACT_EMP_PROV__PK  |     1 |    26 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |






FAONFMI SPOCs (cc’d to NFMI Leads)

SubjectQ2 Deadline - Friday 29th September @ 15:00

1.       What’s happening?
·         The cut-off for Q2 is Friday 29th  September 2017 @ 15:00.

2.       What do I need to do?
·         Ensure all data you need to enter into NFMI has been updated and accurate.
·         Review your weekly NFMI SPOC digest and ensure any expiring questions have been updated to prevent them expiring on 1st October.

3.       What happens next?
·         We’ll gather the results and publish them to the Delivery Directors against the targets defined at the start of the year – this will happen in the next few weeks.
·         The NFMI Tool will move into the Q3 period and quarterly targets will reflect what was set in the Q3 glide path.
·         If you or your team missed any questions that were due to be refreshed, they’ll be automatically expired and could drop your NFMI score to 0%. This can be easily prevented by dealing with all Expiring or Expired questions before the cut-off – you just have to update them with current status or a note to say they’ve been reviewed.

4.       Issues with Run Book storage
·         We’ve been made aware that a number of teams have been unable to upload an updated RunBook to the SharePoint location where they’re centrally stored. The location is at its maximum and if correctly managed should have more than enough space to hold all the required Run Book documents.
·         I’m planning to gain control over this SP Site and will kick off some clean up activity next week. In the interim, each app/vendor need to take some responsibility for the areas they use in the SP Site. There are multiple copies of RunBooks, multiple versions which if cleaned up, could create a lot of free storage space. So, for now, clean up your spaces which will create the short term space required. Longer term, we’ll perform more analysis and clean-up activities.

If you see any issues or have further questions, please drop us a note at or reply to this email.



 release data is 30th 16:33 My release date is 30th sep 16:34 A new member joined 16:34 Mukherjee,SS,Subhra,TAJ C Hi Rakesh 16:34 Karam,R,Rakesh,TAJ C his name is soumyajit 16:34 Mukherjee,SS,Subhra,TAJ C ok please provide him the KT 16:34 Karam,R,Rakesh,TAJ C I have already given DB kT 16:35 pending is giving KT regarding server of applications 16:35 Mukherjee,SS,Subhra,TAJ C did that include the EOT DB also 16:35 ? 16:35 Karam,R,Rakesh,TAJ C Just I need to inform him what are the servernames , monitoring and password reset 16:36 thats all 16:36 Mukherjee,SS,Subhra,TAJ C ok fine 16:36 Karam,R,Rakesh,TAJ C so when u are free 16:36 I schedule a call 16:36 ? 16:36 Mukherjee,SS,Subhra,TAJ C hope he is aware of the architecture? 16:36 Karam,R,Rakesh,TAJ C architecture of DB? 16:37 He is having 2 yrs of exp on DB and linux 16:37 he know shell scripting. 16:37 as well 16:37 shall I schedule a call at 5pm 16:37 ? 16:37 Mukherjee,SS,Subhra,TAJ C we have a program at 5:00 pm 16:38 Karam,R,Rakesh,TAJ C ok what about 6pm? 16:38 Mukherjee,SS,Subhra,TAJ C you can have the call with him if he is available 16:38 does that need me? 16:38 Karam,R,Rakesh,TAJ C ok I am good , no issue . I mail once KT has been provided 16:39 Mukherjee,SS,Subhra,TAJ C thanks 16:39 We saved this conversation in the Conversations tab in Lync and in the Conversation History folder in Outlook.Karam,R,Rakesh,TAJ C
its long back ago,, I accessed payroll execel sheet. 17:49 U had set some password 17:50 i forgot it and can u ping the password agian 17:50 again 17:50 ? 17:50 We saved this conversation in the Conversations tab in Lync and in the Conversation History folder in Outlook.Mukherjee,SS,Subhra,TAJ C
yes 18:14 today_123 18:14 also help him to procure access to bridge, citrix and the servers 18:15 Karam,R,Rakesh,TAJ C ok 18:16


Hi Rakesh

Pls submit

Debabrata- I will check and confirm on the issue. Pls be informed, the laptop can be sent back to KOL in case someone is travelling from Bangalore to KOL. Hence pls provision this


to be uploaded
Karam,R,Rakesh,TMR C (;
We all know there is Hardware Clock on each of the server which is used to manage various OS and Host components. Time Sync. on this server is very important particulary when Servers are Clustered together as is the case in Oracle RAC setup.

In Oracle RAC by there is a Oracle provided service(Unix Deamon) called CTSS (Cluster Time Sync. Service) which by Default runs in Observer mode when NTP is configured. NTP (Network Time Protocol) is O/S provided Protocol and is visible at OS level in form of "ntpd" deamon process when we perform "ps -ef|grep" command.

By Default NTP manages Oracle RAC DB server Time Sync.

On Oracle RAC we often find that DB server clock is not synced between RAC nodes. When difference gets too large (greater than defined tolerable offset), Oracle can kick that node out of cluster which is known as Node Eviction.

To Avoid such issues, sometimes manual sync. of Clock is required. Below steps outline the procedure used to accomplish same:

1.Suspend current NTP sync process. Suspend rather than stop as that way we don’t get spurious alerts about NTP not operating.

2.Pick the best time source, and schedule a cron job to slow down/speed up, ie SLEW, the system clock by 10% so the system clock approaches to best time source. This is a standard operation using “ntpdate –B”. If we don’t use –B we may get a STEP change, and this may cause problems with the databases in the cluster.

3.Leave the cron job operating until all hosts in the cluster are < 100 ms from the time source.

4.If bad time source isn’t fixed, then comment out bad time source in NTP configuration.

5.Stop NTP process.

6.Restart NTP process so it only SLEWS the time, and won’t STEP on startup. This requires manually running just the ntpd part of the startup.

7.Monitor for a few days.


How often DBA is in a situation where he wants to perform some maintanance on a table and that very table is getting updated by end-user. This results in delaying the maintannce of tables in Outage window which is most often denied by Business due to need for availability of such critical tables in Production.

There is a way out in Oracle 11g.

In Oracle 11g release, You can make a Table Read Only. 

Command used will be :
Alter table EMP read only;

To make table Read-Write again, issue below command:
Alter Table EMP read write;

When a table is in Read Only mode, DMLs (Update,Insert,Delete) are NOT allowed. Performing DML on such table will result in ORA-12081 error:

delete emp *ERROR at line 1:ORA-12081: update operation not allowed on table "SCOTT"."EMP"

You can still perform DDL operations (Create indexes, maintain partitions and so on) on a Read Only Table. So, a very important Use Case for this feature would be Performing Table Maintenance.

Steps would be :

1. Make Table Read Only. This will ensure NO DMLs are allowed on table for which you want to perform maintanance. So you will not encounter any performance/locking issues while peroforming table maintanance.

2. Perform Table Maintance using necessary DDL commands.

3. Turn Table Read Write.

To see the status of the table, look for the read_only column in the data dictionary view dba_tables.

SQL> select read_only from user_tables where table_name = 'EMP'; REA---NO

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It's as if Richa Chadha and Huma Qureshi are competing to be the worst-dressed celeb of the month

We have few more queries left to be discussed on node addition activity.
Can you please let us know your availability to have a discussion on this.


to be uploaded