Oracle Server :
It is a database management system used to manage the data and Oracle server consist of instance and
SGA : (system global area)
Its nothing but a group of shared memory structures that contains data and control information of
oracle instance. Each instance has its own SGA
When users are connected to server then data in the instance is shared among users hence it is also
THE SGA AND BAGROUND processes constitute an instance
SGA consist of
1) Database buffer cache
2) Redo log buffer cache
3) Java pool
4) Large pool
5) Shared pool
Shared pool
1) Data dictionary cache
2) Library cache
1) Shared sql area
2) Shared plsql area
Redolog Buffer
It is a circular buffer in SGA and it contains information of all changes made to the database.
The changed information is stored in redo entries or redo record. A redo record is a group of change
vectors each of which is a description of a change made to a single block .
(For Ex: if you change the salary value of an employee in employee table , you generate a redo record
containing change vector that describes the changes to the data segment block of the table, the undo
segment data block and the transaction table of the undo segments.)
(Redo records contain all the information needed to reconstruct changes made to the database. During
media recovery, the database will read change vectors in the redo records and apply the changes to the
relevant blocks.)
Every changes made to the database is written to redolog buffer cache before it is written to database
buffer cache
Because The goals of the Logbuffer and Database buffer is entirely different .
The Purpose of the logbuffer is to temporarily keep the changed transaction and get them quickly to
written to current online redo log file whereas the purpose of database buffer is to keep the frequently
accessed blocks in memory as long as possible to increase the performance of processes (using
frequently accessed blocks.)
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
When you see commit complete, oracle guarantees that a record of that transaction has been safely
written to the current online redo log file on disk. That does not mean the modified block has been
written to the appropriate data file
The transaction information in the online redologbuffer is very frequently written to online redolog file
by logwriter
whereas modified block in database buffer are intermittently written to datafile by database writer
periodically , all changed block buffers or dirty buffers in memory are written to the datafiles by
database writer . This is known as a checkpoint. When checkpoint occurs , the checkpoint process
records the current checkpoint SCN in the controlfiles and the corresponding scn in the datafile headers
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Rman Backup
Rman incremental backup can be used to take the backup only those data that are changed since last
How algoritham of incremental backup works.?
Each datablock in a datafile consist of System change number(SCN). so this specifies the most recent
was made to the block . so during incremental backup, rman checks or reads the each and every
datablock in the input file and compares it to the checkpoint SCN of parent incremental backup.
if SCN of the datablock is greater than that of checkpoint SCN of parent backup then rman copies that
Block change tracking features
if you enable this feature then rman can able to refer change tracking file to identify the changed blocks
in the datafile without scanning the full contents of datafile so it increases performance
Incremental backup can be level 0 or Level 1
Level 0 backup is nothing but full database backup and it is a base for subsequent backup
Level 1 backup may be either differential backup or cumulative backup
Differential backup is nothing but which backups all the blocks that are changed since most recent
Level 0 or Level 1 backup
Cumulative backup is nothing but which backups all the blocks that are changed since most recent level
0 backup
Oracle System Identifier
It is a unique name for Oracle database instance on a specific host
When a client wants to connect to a database he can specify the SID in oracle net architecture or use
a net service name then oracle database convert a service name into an oracle_home and Oracle_sid.
For Single instance , there will be one to one relationship will be there between database and instance
For Rac instance, there will be one to many relationship will be there between database And instance
Overview of Instance and database startup
Startup Nomount
When oracle server starts the instance then it searches for server parameter file if it is not found then it
Looks for init parameter file . even if init parameter also not found then it throws an error. Otherwise
It reads the parameter file and allocates the memory depending upon parameter value
It starts the background process and opens the alertlog file and trace file and write the all explicit
Parameter settings to the alert_log file in valid formats
Startup nomount command is used during
1)Creation of database
2)Recovery of controlfiles or recreation of controlfiles
Startup mount
In this stage, oracle instance mounts database. If instance need to mount the database then it requires
the control file and control file location is defined by control_files parameter. so through that
It locates the datafile and redologfiles but not opened
This is command is used during
1) Datafile rename
2) Redologfile rename
3) When converting from non archivelog to archive log (OR) vice – versa
4) When performing full database recovery
5) When enabling flashback
In this stage, database is opend
Datafile ,redologfile are opened and read
If database is found to be inconsistent then smon performs instance recovery
Startup force
This is command is used when database is in hung state
This command aborts the currently running instance and again creates the instance,mounts the
database and opens
Startup upgrade : used during upgrade
Startup restrict : This command is used when you want to perform some maintainance tasks
When this command is executed then existing users connections will be continued . users who have
Restricted session privilege can connect to database but only user who don’t have Restricted session
privilege can’t connect to the database.
Readonly mode:
In this mode, oracle allows only read only transactions to execute and controlfiles remains open to
Update and writing to operating system files like alert log,tracefiles and audit files will be continued
The users who have been granted administration privilege can only shutdown the database.
Database shutdown is done in 3 stages
1 Database closed
2 Database dismounted
3 Oracle instance shutdown
If database shutdown with any option other than abort then data in SGA is written to redolog
Files and datafiles and Datafilescloses online redologfiles and datafiles
In this condition ,controlfile is opened even after database is closed
Abnormal Shutdown
If a shutdown abort or abnormal termination occurs then instance of the database closes and shutdown
The database simultaneously. So DBWR doesn’t write the data from SGA to datafile and redologs
So when database is opened then database requires instance recovery
System Change Number(SCN)
It is database ordering primitive , which specifies the most recent changes was made to the database
Data Defination Language statement creates schema objects,changes the structure of the object and
drop the schema objects
Ex: Create , Alter, Drop, Truncate
Granting and revoking(Grant and Revoke)
Auditing on and off(audit)
Data Manipulation Language:
These are the statements which is used to modify the data in the existing object
Ex: select , delete and update
What is Schema?
A named collection of objects is known as schema
Schema object : Logical structure of the data stored in schema is known as Schema object
How DML quiries works in oracle or How oracle database process DML queries?
Oracle uses read consistency mechanism to retrive data.
This mechanism uses undo data to show the past version of the data and guarentees that all the
data retrived by the query are consistent at that time.
For ex: Assume that session fires query that retrives the 100 rows and while the query being
processed , another session fires a update statement to modify 75 th block against the same
table.and doesn’t commit.When session 1 reaches 75 th block. It realizes that change so uses
undo Data to retrive old and sends the output to the user and makes sure that all the data
retrived at that point are consisten at a point in a time.
Database buffer Cache:
The database buffer cache is a portion of the SGA that holds the copies of datablocks read
from the datafiles.
Organization of databuffer cache.
The buffer in cache are organized into 2 lists
1)write list
2) Least recently used list(LRU)
Write list holds dirty buffers which contains data that has been modified but has not yet been
written to disk or datafiles
List recently used list contains free buffers , pinned buffers and dirty buffer that are not yet
been written to the write list
Free buffers are buffers that do not contain any useful data and are avaible for use
Pinned buffers are buffer which are currently being used
If oracle user process needs to access the piece of data then it first searches for the database
buffer cache . if it found the required data then its called cache it otherwise it has to copy the
data from datafile to buffer cache before copying , the process must first find the enough
space in buffer . if enough space is not there then the process should signal DBWR to write
down some dirty buffer to datafile on disk.
Cache miss: if required data is not found on database buffer cache for a oracle user process
then it is called cache miss
DataDictionary is a collection of tables and view containing reference about the database ,its
structure and its users
To Create Script
Create script my_script(script name)
Backup database;
To run script
Execute script my_script(script name);
Replacing script
Replace script my_script(script name)
To list script
List script names
To get the code of the script
Print script script_name
Create user username Identified by passaword
Default tablespacetablespace_name
Temporary tablespace temp
Quota 100m on users(tablespace_name)
If you want to take backup of the database by skipping offline tablespaces and readonlytablespaces
Then which command will be used
Rman>Backup database
Skip readonly
Skip offline;
Assume that you want skip the tablespace every time while taking the backup so how do you do that
RMAN>configure exclude for tablespace users;
If you want override this feature while taking backup then use
Rman>backup database NOEXCLUDE;
Assume that one day last night backup is not succededso you want to backup those data that is not
backed up so how would you do that
Oracle DBA roles and Responsibilities
1. Creating and managing development,testing and production databases.
2. Installing new version of oracle RDBMS.
3. Implementing backup and recovery of oracle database.
4. Administration all the database objects like tables, indexes, sequences, views, clusters and
packages and procedures.
5. Providing technical support to the application development team.
6. Create database users and assigning previleges as and when required.
7. Managing sharing of resources amongst applications.
8. Troublshooting problems regarding the databases, applications and development tools.
9. Migration of databases .
10. Interface with oracle corporation for technical support.
11. Upgradation of databases.
Asm Disk Groups
The creation of disk group involves the validation of disks to be added
Following are the attributes to validate a disk
1. The disks cannot be already in some other disk group
2. Disks must not have pre-existingValid Asmheader . if it has, then it can be override using FORCE
Following example shows that a diskgroup is created using four disks that reside in storage array, with
redundancy being handled externally by the storage array.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- --
/dev/rdsk/c3t19d5s4 ONLINE NORMAL
/dev/rdsk/c3t19d16s4 ONLINE NORMAL
/dev/rdsk/c3t19d17s4 ONLINE NORMAL
/dev/rdsk/c3t19d18s4 ONLINE NORMAL
The following output, from v$ASM_DISKGROUP shows newly added disk groups.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
After creation of disk group is successufully completed then metadata information like creation date,
disk group name and redundancy type is stored in system global area and on each disk header in the
The following output shows how the V$ASM_DISK view reflects the disk state change after the disk is
incorporated into disk group.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
DATA_0000 /dev/rdsk/c3t19d5s4 ONLINE NORMAL 0
DATA_0001 /dev/rdsk/c3t19d16s4 ONLINE NORMAL 1
DATA_0002 /dev/rdsk/c3t19d17s4 ONLINE NORMAL 2
DATA_0003 /dev/rdsk/c3t19d18s4 ONLINE NORMAL 3
DATA_0000,DATA_0001,DATA_0002,DATA_0003 (disk_group_name+Disk_number)
The above are the automatically created disknames, so if you want to assign disk names then write as
'/dev/rdsk/c3t19d5s4' name DMX_disk1,
'/dev/rdsk/c3t19d16s4' name DMX_disk2,
'/dev/rdsk/c3t19d17s4' name DMX_disk3,
'/dev/rdsk/c3t19d18s4' name DMX_disk4;
Asm disk Name is used when performing disk management activities such as Drop disk or Resize disk.
Restore is a process of restoring files(datafile,controlfile,server parameter file and not online redologfile)
from backup and recovery is process of applying online redo logfiles on datafiles
Complete recovery means you can recover all the committed transactions until the point of failure or
before failure occurred
Dataguard operates on simple principle that is ship redo and then apply redo because redo contains all
of the information needed by oracle database to recover a database transactions
Difference between Dataguard and Remote Mirroring
Dataguard Remote Mirroing
Dataguard transmits only redo data(data or information) Remote Mirroing doesn’t have any
That is required to recover a database transactions) to sy Knowledge of an oracle transactions
Nchronize a standby database with its primary so it requires every write to every
2) it requires 7 times more network
Volume compared to network
needed for dataguard
3) 27 times more network I/O
Operations than dataguard
Primary database transaction generate redo records
A redo record , is also as redo entry , is made up of a group of change vectors, each of which is
description of a change made to a single block in the database.
For Ex: if you change the salary value of an employee in employee table , you generate a redo record
containing change vector that describes the changes to the data segment block to the table, the undo
segment data block and the transaction table of the undo segments.
Redo records contain all the information needed to reconstruct changes made to the database. During
media recovery, the database will read change vectors in the redo records and apply the changes to the
relevant blocks.
A commit record Whenever a transaction is committed, the LGWR writes the transaction redo
records from the redo log buffer to an ORL and assigns a system change number (SCN) to identify
the redo records for each committed transaction. Only when all redo records associated with a
given transaction have been written to the ORL is the user process notified that the transaction has
been committed.
Redo Transport Services
When Transactions are committed , then primary database LGWR process writes the redo to its online
redo log files and at the same time LOG NETWORK SERVER(LNS) reads the redo records from Redo log
buffer and passes the redo to Oracle Network Services for the transmission to the standby databases
Redo records transmitted by the LNS are received at standby database by another dataguard process
called as Remote File Server(RFS)
Synchornous Redo Transport
It is also called as “ZERO DATA LOSS” method because LGWR is not allowed to acknowledge a commit
has succededuntill LNS confirm that redo required for recover the transaction has been written to
disk(redolog files) at standby databases
ASynchornous Redo Transport
It is reverse of Synchronous
Apply Services
Redo Apply(Physical standby)
SqlApply(Logical Standby)
Redo apply maintains the standby database that is an exact, block by block , physical copy of the primary
Types of database parameter files
1. SPFILE(server parameter file) : A binary text file that contains initialization parameter
2. PFILE(initialization parameter file) : A text file that contains initialization parameter
Oracle server
Oracle server is divided into
1) Database
2) Instance
Database inturn divided into
1) Logical structure
2) Physical structure
Logical structures are
1) Tablespace
2) Segments
3) Extents
4) Blocks
Physical structures
1) Datafiles
2) Controlfile
3) Redologfile
4) Archivelog file
5) Parameter file
6) Password file
7) Network file
Instance is divided into
1) Memmory Sturcture
2) Background Process
Memmory structures are divided into
SGA consist of
1) Shared pool area
2) Databuffer cache
3) Log buffer
4) Large pool
5) Java pool
PGA consist of
1) Session Information area
2) Cursor area
3) Software
4) statspack
Metadata is nothing but data about the data
5 Imp Background process
Database Writer(DBWR)
Dbwr writes the data from db buffer to datafile under the following situation
1) Checkpoint occurs.
2) Dirty buffer reach threshold.
3) When there are no free buffer.
4) When timeout occurs.
5) When tablespace put in offline mode
6) When tablespace put in begin backup mode
7) When tablespace made read only
8) When table is dropped or truncated
9) When RAC ping request is made
1) At commit.
2) When 1/3 rd of the buffer is full.
3) When more than 1MB of redo changes.
4) Every 3 secs.
5) Before DBWR writes.
Smon (system Monitor)
Smon is Responsible for Instance Recovery
Instance Recovery
1) Rolls forward what are the changes in the redologs
2) Opens the database for user access(if we are connecting to database means then smon is reason for
3) Rollback uncommitted Transactions
4) Coalesces free space or combines free space
5) Deallocates temporary segments
Pmon (Process monitor)
Pmon periodically cleans up 1) the process that died abnormally
3) The session that were killed.
4) Detached transactions that have exceeded their idle timeout
5) Detached Network connections which exceeded their idle timeout.
Pmon is responsible for registering the information about instance and dispatcher process with
The network Listener
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Periodically The dirty buffers in the databuffer cache is written to datafile that process is called is
When checkpoint occurs the ckpt process will update the control file and header of the datafile with the
current SCN number
Purpose of Checkpoint
1) It ensures that all the committed data is written to disk during consistent shutdown.
2) Ensures that dirty buffer in buffer cache is written to disk regurlarly
3) Reduce the time required for recovery in case of media failure or instance failure
When checkpoint occurs
1) When log switch occurs
2) When instance is shutdown with normal or immediate
3) When forced by initialization parameter FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET
4) When manually by DBA
5) When tablespace put in offline mode
6) When tablespace put in begin backup mode
7) When tablespace put in read only mode
Information about the checkpoint is recorded in alert log file if LOG_CHECKPOINT_TO_ALERT
initialization parameter is set to true.
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You are required to have at least two online redo log groups in your database. Each online redo log group
must contain at
least one online redo log member
Online redo logs are crucial database files that store a record of transactions that have occurred in your
database. Online
redo logs serve several purposes:
n Provide a mechanism for recording changes to the database so that in the event of a media failure you
have a method
of recovering transactions.
n Ensure that in the event of total instance failure, committed transactions can be recovered (crash
recovery) even if
committed data changes have not yet been written to the data files.
n Allow administrators to inspect historical database transactions through the Oracle LogMiner utility.
The contents of the current online redo log files are not archived until a log switch occurs. This means
that if you lose all
members of the current online redo log file, then you'll most likely lose transactions
The contents of the current online redo log files are not archived until a log switch occurs. This means
that if you lose all
members of the current online redo log file, then you'll most likely lose transactions. Listed next are
several mechanisms
you can implement to minimize the chance of failure with the online redo log files:
n Multiplex groups to have multiple members.
n If possible, don't allow two members of the same group to share a controller.
n If possible, don't put two members of the same group on the same physical disk.
n Ensure operating system file permissions are set appropriately (restrictive so that only the owner of the
Oracle binaries
has permissions to write and read).
n Use physical storage devices that are redundant (that is, RAID).
n Appropriately size the log files so that they switch and are archived at regular intervals.
n Consider setting the archive_lag_target initialization parameter to ensure that the online redo logs
are switched at
regular intervals.
Note The only tool provided by Oracle that can protect you and preserve all committed transactions in the
event you
lose all members of the current online redo log group is Oracle Data Guard implemented in Maximum
Mode. Refer to MOS note 239100.1 for more details regarding Oracle Data Guard protection modes.
The clear logfile command will drop and re-create all members of a log group for you. You can issue
command even if you have only two log groups in your database.
If the clear logfile command does not succeed because of an I/O error and it's a permanent problem, then
you will need to
consider dropping the log group and re-creating it in a different location. See the next two subsections for
directions on how to drop and re-create a log file group
When Control file error or Media recover or Instance recovery occur
CF checkpoint SCN < Data file checkpoint SCN
"Control file too old" error
Ans : Restore a newer control file or recover with the using backup controlfile clause.
CF checkpoint SCN > Data file checkpoint SCN
Ans : Media recovery required . Most likely a data file has been restored from a backup. Recovery
is now required.
CF checkpoint SCN = Data file SCN Start up normally
None Database is in mount mode, instance thread status = OPEN Crash recovery required
(And Oracle automatically performs crash recovery(instance Recovery)
Media recovery requires restore and recovery
Instance recovery requires archivelog files and redolog files
v$datafile_header uses physical datafile file on disk as a resource
v$datafile uses controlfile as a resource
When incomplete recovery is need to done ?
When online redolog file and incremental backup required for recovery are lossed then we need to go
for incomplete recovery
When you validate backup sets, RMAN actually reads the backup files as if it were doing a restore
operation ( restore madbekadare rman hege backup file na hege read madtadeyo ade tara validate
madbekadarenu read madtade)
This will indicate how much time it takes to read the files during a real restore operation (this could be
useful for troubleshooting I/O problems
Rman can perform(instead of "do" use) media recovery for physically corrupted block but logically
corrupted blocks cannot be recovered by rman
To recover logically corrupt blocks, restore datafile from backup and perform media recovery
When block ( or )blocks do not match the physical format that oracle expects then it is called Physicall
Physical corruptions are generally the result of infrastructure problems
Possible sources of physical corruption are storage array cache corruption , any filesystem bugs ,
application errors , array controller failure
When block contents are inconsistent with the logical information that oracle expects to then its called
Logical corruption
For example : one of the block header structures, which tracks the number of locks associated with rows in
the block, differs from the actual number of locks present
Another example would be if the header information on available space differs from the true available space
on the block.
RMAN> recover database until time 'sysdate - 1/48' test;
RMAN> recover database until scn 2328888 test;
RMAN> recover database until sequence 343 test;
Caution If you attempt to issue a recover tablespace until … test, RMAN will attempt to perform a
tablespace point-in- time recovery (TSPITR).
Performing Database-Level Recovery
$ rman target /
RMAN> startup mount;
RMAN> restore database;
RMAN> recover database;
RMAN> alter database open;
When recovery catalog is configured
$ rman target / catalog rcat/rcat@rcat
$ rman target /
RMAN> startup mount;
RMAN> restore database;
RMAN> recover database;
RMAN> alter database open;
Performing tablespace recovery
$ rman target / catalog rcat/rcat@rcat
$ rman target /
RMAN> alter tablespace users offline immediate;
RMAN> restore tablespace users;
RMAN> recover tablespace users;
RMAN> alter tablespace users online;
For 11g and Lower
$ rman target /
RMAN> sql 'alter tablespace users offline immediate';
RMAN> restore tablespace users;
RMAN> recover tablespace users;
RMAN> sql 'alter tablespace users online';
Performing Data File-Level Recovery
$ rman target /
RMAN> startup mount;
RMAN> alter database datafile '/u01/dbfile/o12c/users01.dbf' offline;
RMAN> alter database open;
RMAN> restore tablespace users;
RMAN> recover tablespace users;
RMAN> alter tablespace users online;
Use the RMAN report schema command to list data file names and file numbers
. Forcing RMAN to Restore a File Problem
As part of a test exercise, you attempt to restore a data file twice and receive this RMAN message:
restore not done; all files read only, offline, or already restored
In this situation, you want to force RMAN to restore the data file again
Use the force command to restore data files and archived redo log files even if they already exist in a
Restoring from an Older Backup
You want to specifically instruct RMAN to restore from a backup set that is older than the last backup that
was taken
Sol: You can restore an older backup a couple different ways: using a tag name or using the restore …
until command
list backup summary
List of Backups
Key TY LV S Device Type #Pieces #Copies Compressed Tag
-- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -
79 B F A DISK 1 1 NO TAG20120724T210842
80 B F A DISK 1 1 NO TAG20120724T210918
81 B F A DISK 1 1 NO TAG20120729T122948
$ rman target /
RMAN> startup mount;
RMAN> restore database from tag TAG20120724T210842;
RMAN> recover database;
RMAN> alter database open;
Using restore … until
You can also tell RMAN to restore data files from a point in the past using the until clause of the
restore command in
one of the following ways:
n Until SCN
n Until log sequence
n Until restore point
n Until time
RMAN> startup mount;
RMAN> restore database until scn 1254174;
RMAN> recover database;
RMAN> alter database open;
Recovering Through Resetlogs
You recently performed an incomplete recovery that required you to open your database with the open
command. Before you could back up your database, you experienced another media failure. Prior to
Oracle Database 10g,
it was extremely difficult to recover using a backup of a previous incarnation of your database. You now
wonder whether
you can get your database back in one piece.
Beginning with Oracle Database 10g, you can restore a backup from a previous incarnation and recover
through a
previously issued open resetlogs command. You simply need to restore and recover your database as
required by the
type of failure. In this example, the control files and all data files are restored:
$ rman target /
RMAN> startup nomount;
RMAN> restore controlfile from autobackup;
RMAN> alter database mount;
RMAN> restore database;
RMAN> recover database;
RMAN> alter database open resetlogs;
When we should open our database with open resetlog command?
Perform an incomplete recovery
Recover with a backup control file
Use a re-created control file and you're missing your current online redo logs
Difference between 10 and 11g
Prior to Oracle Database 10g, you were required to take a backup of your database immediately after you
reset the online
redo log files. This is because resetting the online redo log files creates a new incarnation of your
database and resets
your log sequence number back to 1. Prior to Oracle Database 10g, any backups taken before resetting
the logs could not
be easily used to restore and recover your database.
Starting with Oracle Database 10g, Oracle allows you to restore from a backup from a previous
incarnation of your
database and issue restore and recovery commands as applicable to the type of failure that has occurred.
Oracle keeps
track of log files from all incarnations of your database. The V$LOG_HISTORY view is no longer cleared
out during a
resetlogs operation and contains information for the current incarnation as well as any previous
If you're using an FRA (fast recovery area), then Oracle creates the archive redo logs using the Oracle
Managed File name
format. If you aren't using an FRA, the format mask of the archived redo log files must include the thread
(%t), sequence (%
s), and resetlogs ID (%r). For example
RMAN> list incarnation
Restoring the spfile
If you receive an error such as this when running the restore command:
RMAN-20001: target database not found in recovery catalog
RMAN set dbid 3414586809;
Not Using a Recovery Catalog, RMAN Auto Backup in Default Location
For this scenario you need to know your database identifier before you can proceed. See Recipe 10-3 for
details about
determining your DBID.
This recipe assumes that you have configured your auto backups of the spfile to go to the default
location. The default
location depends on your operating system. For Linux/Unix, the default location is ORACLE_HOME/dbs.
On Windows
systems, it's usually ORACLE_HOME\database.
$ rman target /
RMAN> startup force nomount; # start instance for retrieval of spfile
RMAN> set dbid 3414586809;
RMAN> restore spfile from autobackup;
RMAN> startup force; # startup using restored spfile
Not Using a Recovery Catalog, RMAN Auto Backup Not in Default Location
$ rman target /
RMAN> set dbid 3414586809;
RMAN> startup force nomount; # start instance for retrieval of spfile
RMAN> restore spfile from
RMAN> startup force; # startup using restored spfile
Restoring Archived Redo Log Files
Restoring controlfile
If FRA is configured and autobackup of the controlfile is configured then just use
“restore from auto backup” because Rman know about /<FRA>/<target database
SID>/autobackup/YYYY_MM_DD/<backup piece file>
If FRA is configured but autobackup of the controlfile is configured in rman then rman
uses /<FRA>/<target database SID>/backupset/YYYY_MM_DD/<backup piece file>
If recovery catalog is configured then just use “ restore controlfile “ because
Recovery catalog will be knowing all information of the backup.
If both recovery catalog and fra is not configured then first we need to set dbid
Catlog command : you can add metadata information about the backup pieces to directly
your controlfile
Catalog recovery area
It creates the additional directories and sets appropriate ownership and permissions on files for root user.
Catalog - creates data dictionary views.
Catproc - create in built PL/SQL Procedures, Packages etc
If any (a long-running )transaction can't find the undo data it needs, then it generates the well-known
Oracle snapshot-too- old error. Here's an example:
Recovering Data Files Not Backed Up
Assume that you have added a datafile and had failure before taking backup of the newly added datafile
so how do you recover it
You wonder how can we restore and recover a datafile that doesn’t exists ?
When media failure occurs then there may be 2 situations
1) .Using current controlfile (means you have loss only datafile and not controlfile , controlfile is
have entry of the newly available datafile and control file is available)
2) Using backup controlfile ( means both newly added datafile and controlfile is lossed so old
controlfile doesn’t contain information of newly added datafile)
For first situation , you can restore and recover at datafile level ,tablespace level and database level
But for 2 nd situation , you can restore and recover at database level
Using a Current Control File
In this example, we use the current control file and are recovering the tools01.dbf datafile in the newly
added tools
$ rman target /
RMAN> startup mount;
RMAN> restore tablespace tools;
You should see a message like the following in the output as RMAN re-creates the data file:
creating datafile file number=5 name=/u01/dbfile/o12c/tools01.dbf
Now issue the recover command and open the database:
RMAN> recover tablespace tools;
RMAN> alter database open;
Using a Backup Control File
This scenario is applicable anytime you use a backup control file to restore and recover a data file that
has not yet been
backed up. First, we restore a control file from a backup taken prior to when the data file was created:
$ rman target /
RMAN> startup nomount;
RMAN> restore controlfile from
'/u01/app/oracle/product/ 20120730-05';
RMAN> alter database mount;
Now you can verify the control file has no record of the tablespace that was added after the backup was
RMAN> report schema;
When the control file has no record of the data file, RMAN will throw an error if you attempt to recover
at the tablespace or
data file level. In this situation, you must use the restore database and recover database commands as
RMAN> restore database;
RMAN> recover database;
Next, you should see quite a bit of RMAN output. Near the end of the output you should see a line
similar to this indicating
that the data file has been re-created:
creating datafile file number=5 name=/u01/dbfile/o12c/tools01.dbf
Since you restored using a backup control file, you are required to open the database with the resetlogs
RMAN> alter database open resetlogs;
How It Works
Starting with Oracle Database 10g, there is enough information in the redo stream for RMAN to
automatically re-create a
data file that was never backed up. It doesn't matter whether the control file has a record of the data
Prior to Oracle Database10g, manual intervention from the DBA was required to recover a data file that
had not been
backed up yet. If Oracle identified that a data file was missing that had not been backed up, the recovery
process would
halt, and you would have to identify the missing data file and re-create it:
SQL> alter database create datafile '/u01/dbfile/o12c/tools01.dbf '
as '/u01/dbfile/o12c/tools01.dbf' size 10485760 reuse;
After re-creating the missing data file, you had to manually restart the recovery session. If you are using
an old version of
the Oracle database, see MOS note 1060605.6 for details on how to re-create a data file in this scenario.
In Oracle Database 10g and newer, this is no longer the case. RMAN automatically detects that there
isn't a backup of a
data file being restored and re-creates the data file from information retrieved from the control file
and/or redo information
as part of the restore and recovery operations
You may have disk space issues and need to spread the restored archived redo logs across multiple
locations. You can do
so as follows:
RMAN> run{
set archivelog destination to '/u01/archrest';
restore archivelog from sequence 1 until sequence 10;
set archivelog destination to '/u02/archrest';
restore archivelog from sequence 11;
} interpret-awr- reports
4 Instance Efficiency Percentage – these needs to be looked very carefully, since these are not really a good
measurement of the database performance.
For example in very processing-intensive SQL statements which are executed repeatedly, only read blocks from the buffer pool
increases the hit rate of the buffer pool. After optimizing such statements the hit ratio decreased though performance improves.
Buffer Nowait – shows how often buffer cache were accessed with no wait time.
Buffer Hit – shows how often a requested block has been found in the buffer cache without requiring disk access.
Redo NoWait – shows if log_buffer size is set correctly. Preemptive redolog switches in Oracle 11.2
Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd – shows how much time was spent on parsing while waiting for resources.
Non-Parse CPU – in the following example the the figure is close to 100% meaning that the overall CPU usage is only 0.15 % for
statement parsing.
AWR : (Automatic workload repository)
Is extremely useful to diagnose database performance issues.
ADDM (Automatic Database Diagonostic)
Is extremely used for tuning sql statements
ASH : (Active session history)
This report provides Recent active session activities.
It is a database management system used to manage the data and Oracle server consist of instance and
SGA : (system global area)
Its nothing but a group of shared memory structures that contains data and control information of
oracle instance. Each instance has its own SGA
When users are connected to server then data in the instance is shared among users hence it is also
THE SGA AND BAGROUND processes constitute an instance
SGA consist of
1) Database buffer cache
2) Redo log buffer cache
3) Java pool
4) Large pool
5) Shared pool
Shared pool
1) Data dictionary cache
2) Library cache
1) Shared sql area
2) Shared plsql area
Redolog Buffer
It is a circular buffer in SGA and it contains information of all changes made to the database.
The changed information is stored in redo entries or redo record. A redo record is a group of change
vectors each of which is a description of a change made to a single block .
(For Ex: if you change the salary value of an employee in employee table , you generate a redo record
containing change vector that describes the changes to the data segment block of the table, the undo
segment data block and the transaction table of the undo segments.)
(Redo records contain all the information needed to reconstruct changes made to the database. During
media recovery, the database will read change vectors in the redo records and apply the changes to the
relevant blocks.)
Every changes made to the database is written to redolog buffer cache before it is written to database
buffer cache
Because The goals of the Logbuffer and Database buffer is entirely different .
The Purpose of the logbuffer is to temporarily keep the changed transaction and get them quickly to
written to current online redo log file whereas the purpose of database buffer is to keep the frequently
accessed blocks in memory as long as possible to increase the performance of processes (using
frequently accessed blocks.)
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
When you see commit complete, oracle guarantees that a record of that transaction has been safely
written to the current online redo log file on disk. That does not mean the modified block has been
written to the appropriate data file
The transaction information in the online redologbuffer is very frequently written to online redolog file
by logwriter
whereas modified block in database buffer are intermittently written to datafile by database writer
periodically , all changed block buffers or dirty buffers in memory are written to the datafiles by
database writer . This is known as a checkpoint. When checkpoint occurs , the checkpoint process
records the current checkpoint SCN in the controlfiles and the corresponding scn in the datafile headers
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Rman Backup
Rman incremental backup can be used to take the backup only those data that are changed since last
How algoritham of incremental backup works.?
Each datablock in a datafile consist of System change number(SCN). so this specifies the most recent
was made to the block . so during incremental backup, rman checks or reads the each and every
datablock in the input file and compares it to the checkpoint SCN of parent incremental backup.
if SCN of the datablock is greater than that of checkpoint SCN of parent backup then rman copies that
Block change tracking features
if you enable this feature then rman can able to refer change tracking file to identify the changed blocks
in the datafile without scanning the full contents of datafile so it increases performance
Incremental backup can be level 0 or Level 1
Level 0 backup is nothing but full database backup and it is a base for subsequent backup
Level 1 backup may be either differential backup or cumulative backup
Differential backup is nothing but which backups all the blocks that are changed since most recent
Level 0 or Level 1 backup
Cumulative backup is nothing but which backups all the blocks that are changed since most recent level
0 backup
Oracle System Identifier
It is a unique name for Oracle database instance on a specific host
When a client wants to connect to a database he can specify the SID in oracle net architecture or use
a net service name then oracle database convert a service name into an oracle_home and Oracle_sid.
For Single instance , there will be one to one relationship will be there between database and instance
For Rac instance, there will be one to many relationship will be there between database And instance
Overview of Instance and database startup
Startup Nomount
When oracle server starts the instance then it searches for server parameter file if it is not found then it
Looks for init parameter file . even if init parameter also not found then it throws an error. Otherwise
It reads the parameter file and allocates the memory depending upon parameter value
It starts the background process and opens the alertlog file and trace file and write the all explicit
Parameter settings to the alert_log file in valid formats
Startup nomount command is used during
1)Creation of database
2)Recovery of controlfiles or recreation of controlfiles
Startup mount
In this stage, oracle instance mounts database. If instance need to mount the database then it requires
the control file and control file location is defined by control_files parameter. so through that
It locates the datafile and redologfiles but not opened
This is command is used during
1) Datafile rename
2) Redologfile rename
3) When converting from non archivelog to archive log (OR) vice – versa
4) When performing full database recovery
5) When enabling flashback
In this stage, database is opend
Datafile ,redologfile are opened and read
If database is found to be inconsistent then smon performs instance recovery
Startup force
This is command is used when database is in hung state
This command aborts the currently running instance and again creates the instance,mounts the
database and opens
Startup upgrade : used during upgrade
Startup restrict : This command is used when you want to perform some maintainance tasks
When this command is executed then existing users connections will be continued . users who have
Restricted session privilege can connect to database but only user who don’t have Restricted session
privilege can’t connect to the database.
Readonly mode:
In this mode, oracle allows only read only transactions to execute and controlfiles remains open to
Update and writing to operating system files like alert log,tracefiles and audit files will be continued
The users who have been granted administration privilege can only shutdown the database.
Database shutdown is done in 3 stages
1 Database closed
2 Database dismounted
3 Oracle instance shutdown
If database shutdown with any option other than abort then data in SGA is written to redolog
Files and datafiles and Datafilescloses online redologfiles and datafiles
In this condition ,controlfile is opened even after database is closed
Abnormal Shutdown
If a shutdown abort or abnormal termination occurs then instance of the database closes and shutdown
The database simultaneously. So DBWR doesn’t write the data from SGA to datafile and redologs
So when database is opened then database requires instance recovery
System Change Number(SCN)
It is database ordering primitive , which specifies the most recent changes was made to the database
Data Defination Language statement creates schema objects,changes the structure of the object and
drop the schema objects
Ex: Create , Alter, Drop, Truncate
Granting and revoking(Grant and Revoke)
Auditing on and off(audit)
Data Manipulation Language:
These are the statements which is used to modify the data in the existing object
Ex: select , delete and update
What is Schema?
A named collection of objects is known as schema
Schema object : Logical structure of the data stored in schema is known as Schema object
How DML quiries works in oracle or How oracle database process DML queries?
Oracle uses read consistency mechanism to retrive data.
This mechanism uses undo data to show the past version of the data and guarentees that all the
data retrived by the query are consistent at that time.
For ex: Assume that session fires query that retrives the 100 rows and while the query being
processed , another session fires a update statement to modify 75 th block against the same
table.and doesn’t commit.When session 1 reaches 75 th block. It realizes that change so uses
undo Data to retrive old and sends the output to the user and makes sure that all the data
retrived at that point are consisten at a point in a time.
Database buffer Cache:
The database buffer cache is a portion of the SGA that holds the copies of datablocks read
from the datafiles.
Organization of databuffer cache.
The buffer in cache are organized into 2 lists
1)write list
2) Least recently used list(LRU)
Write list holds dirty buffers which contains data that has been modified but has not yet been
written to disk or datafiles
List recently used list contains free buffers , pinned buffers and dirty buffer that are not yet
been written to the write list
Free buffers are buffers that do not contain any useful data and are avaible for use
Pinned buffers are buffer which are currently being used
If oracle user process needs to access the piece of data then it first searches for the database
buffer cache . if it found the required data then its called cache it otherwise it has to copy the
data from datafile to buffer cache before copying , the process must first find the enough
space in buffer . if enough space is not there then the process should signal DBWR to write
down some dirty buffer to datafile on disk.
Cache miss: if required data is not found on database buffer cache for a oracle user process
then it is called cache miss
DataDictionary is a collection of tables and view containing reference about the database ,its
structure and its users
To Create Script
Create script my_script(script name)
Backup database;
To run script
Execute script my_script(script name);
Replacing script
Replace script my_script(script name)
To list script
List script names
To get the code of the script
Print script script_name
Create user username Identified by passaword
Default tablespacetablespace_name
Temporary tablespace temp
Quota 100m on users(tablespace_name)
If you want to take backup of the database by skipping offline tablespaces and readonlytablespaces
Then which command will be used
Rman>Backup database
Skip readonly
Skip offline;
Assume that you want skip the tablespace every time while taking the backup so how do you do that
RMAN>configure exclude for tablespace users;
If you want override this feature while taking backup then use
Rman>backup database NOEXCLUDE;
Assume that one day last night backup is not succededso you want to backup those data that is not
backed up so how would you do that
Oracle DBA roles and Responsibilities
1. Creating and managing development,testing and production databases.
2. Installing new version of oracle RDBMS.
3. Implementing backup and recovery of oracle database.
4. Administration all the database objects like tables, indexes, sequences, views, clusters and
packages and procedures.
5. Providing technical support to the application development team.
6. Create database users and assigning previleges as and when required.
7. Managing sharing of resources amongst applications.
8. Troublshooting problems regarding the databases, applications and development tools.
9. Migration of databases .
10. Interface with oracle corporation for technical support.
11. Upgradation of databases.
Asm Disk Groups
The creation of disk group involves the validation of disks to be added
Following are the attributes to validate a disk
1. The disks cannot be already in some other disk group
2. Disks must not have pre-existingValid Asmheader . if it has, then it can be override using FORCE
Following example shows that a diskgroup is created using four disks that reside in storage array, with
redundancy being handled externally by the storage array.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- --
/dev/rdsk/c3t19d5s4 ONLINE NORMAL
/dev/rdsk/c3t19d16s4 ONLINE NORMAL
/dev/rdsk/c3t19d17s4 ONLINE NORMAL
/dev/rdsk/c3t19d18s4 ONLINE NORMAL
The following output, from v$ASM_DISKGROUP shows newly added disk groups.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
After creation of disk group is successufully completed then metadata information like creation date,
disk group name and redundancy type is stored in system global area and on each disk header in the
The following output shows how the V$ASM_DISK view reflects the disk state change after the disk is
incorporated into disk group.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
DATA_0000 /dev/rdsk/c3t19d5s4 ONLINE NORMAL 0
DATA_0001 /dev/rdsk/c3t19d16s4 ONLINE NORMAL 1
DATA_0002 /dev/rdsk/c3t19d17s4 ONLINE NORMAL 2
DATA_0003 /dev/rdsk/c3t19d18s4 ONLINE NORMAL 3
DATA_0000,DATA_0001,DATA_0002,DATA_0003 (disk_group_name+Disk_number)
The above are the automatically created disknames, so if you want to assign disk names then write as
'/dev/rdsk/c3t19d5s4' name DMX_disk1,
'/dev/rdsk/c3t19d16s4' name DMX_disk2,
'/dev/rdsk/c3t19d17s4' name DMX_disk3,
'/dev/rdsk/c3t19d18s4' name DMX_disk4;
Asm disk Name is used when performing disk management activities such as Drop disk or Resize disk.
Restore is a process of restoring files(datafile,controlfile,server parameter file and not online redologfile)
from backup and recovery is process of applying online redo logfiles on datafiles
Complete recovery means you can recover all the committed transactions until the point of failure or
before failure occurred
Dataguard operates on simple principle that is ship redo and then apply redo because redo contains all
of the information needed by oracle database to recover a database transactions
Difference between Dataguard and Remote Mirroring
Dataguard Remote Mirroing
Dataguard transmits only redo data(data or information) Remote Mirroing doesn’t have any
That is required to recover a database transactions) to sy Knowledge of an oracle transactions
Nchronize a standby database with its primary so it requires every write to every
2) it requires 7 times more network
Volume compared to network
needed for dataguard
3) 27 times more network I/O
Operations than dataguard
Primary database transaction generate redo records
A redo record , is also as redo entry , is made up of a group of change vectors, each of which is
description of a change made to a single block in the database.
For Ex: if you change the salary value of an employee in employee table , you generate a redo record
containing change vector that describes the changes to the data segment block to the table, the undo
segment data block and the transaction table of the undo segments.
Redo records contain all the information needed to reconstruct changes made to the database. During
media recovery, the database will read change vectors in the redo records and apply the changes to the
relevant blocks.
A commit record Whenever a transaction is committed, the LGWR writes the transaction redo
records from the redo log buffer to an ORL and assigns a system change number (SCN) to identify
the redo records for each committed transaction. Only when all redo records associated with a
given transaction have been written to the ORL is the user process notified that the transaction has
been committed.
Redo Transport Services
When Transactions are committed , then primary database LGWR process writes the redo to its online
redo log files and at the same time LOG NETWORK SERVER(LNS) reads the redo records from Redo log
buffer and passes the redo to Oracle Network Services for the transmission to the standby databases
Redo records transmitted by the LNS are received at standby database by another dataguard process
called as Remote File Server(RFS)
Synchornous Redo Transport
It is also called as “ZERO DATA LOSS” method because LGWR is not allowed to acknowledge a commit
has succededuntill LNS confirm that redo required for recover the transaction has been written to
disk(redolog files) at standby databases
ASynchornous Redo Transport
It is reverse of Synchronous
Apply Services
Redo Apply(Physical standby)
SqlApply(Logical Standby)
Redo apply maintains the standby database that is an exact, block by block , physical copy of the primary
Types of database parameter files
1. SPFILE(server parameter file) : A binary text file that contains initialization parameter
2. PFILE(initialization parameter file) : A text file that contains initialization parameter
Oracle server
Oracle server is divided into
1) Database
2) Instance
Database inturn divided into
1) Logical structure
2) Physical structure
Logical structures are
1) Tablespace
2) Segments
3) Extents
4) Blocks
Physical structures
1) Datafiles
2) Controlfile
3) Redologfile
4) Archivelog file
5) Parameter file
6) Password file
7) Network file
Instance is divided into
1) Memmory Sturcture
2) Background Process
Memmory structures are divided into
SGA consist of
1) Shared pool area
2) Databuffer cache
3) Log buffer
4) Large pool
5) Java pool
PGA consist of
1) Session Information area
2) Cursor area
3) Software
4) statspack
Metadata is nothing but data about the data
5 Imp Background process
Database Writer(DBWR)
Dbwr writes the data from db buffer to datafile under the following situation
1) Checkpoint occurs.
2) Dirty buffer reach threshold.
3) When there are no free buffer.
4) When timeout occurs.
5) When tablespace put in offline mode
6) When tablespace put in begin backup mode
7) When tablespace made read only
8) When table is dropped or truncated
9) When RAC ping request is made
1) At commit.
2) When 1/3 rd of the buffer is full.
3) When more than 1MB of redo changes.
4) Every 3 secs.
5) Before DBWR writes.
Smon (system Monitor)
Smon is Responsible for Instance Recovery
Instance Recovery
1) Rolls forward what are the changes in the redologs
2) Opens the database for user access(if we are connecting to database means then smon is reason for
3) Rollback uncommitted Transactions
4) Coalesces free space or combines free space
5) Deallocates temporary segments
Pmon (Process monitor)
Pmon periodically cleans up 1) the process that died abnormally
3) The session that were killed.
4) Detached transactions that have exceeded their idle timeout
5) Detached Network connections which exceeded their idle timeout.
Pmon is responsible for registering the information about instance and dispatcher process with
The network Listener
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Periodically The dirty buffers in the databuffer cache is written to datafile that process is called is
When checkpoint occurs the ckpt process will update the control file and header of the datafile with the
current SCN number
Purpose of Checkpoint
1) It ensures that all the committed data is written to disk during consistent shutdown.
2) Ensures that dirty buffer in buffer cache is written to disk regurlarly
3) Reduce the time required for recovery in case of media failure or instance failure
When checkpoint occurs
1) When log switch occurs
2) When instance is shutdown with normal or immediate
3) When forced by initialization parameter FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET
4) When manually by DBA
5) When tablespace put in offline mode
6) When tablespace put in begin backup mode
7) When tablespace put in read only mode
Information about the checkpoint is recorded in alert log file if LOG_CHECKPOINT_TO_ALERT
initialization parameter is set to true.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
You are required to have at least two online redo log groups in your database. Each online redo log group
must contain at
least one online redo log member
Online redo logs are crucial database files that store a record of transactions that have occurred in your
database. Online
redo logs serve several purposes:
n Provide a mechanism for recording changes to the database so that in the event of a media failure you
have a method
of recovering transactions.
n Ensure that in the event of total instance failure, committed transactions can be recovered (crash
recovery) even if
committed data changes have not yet been written to the data files.
n Allow administrators to inspect historical database transactions through the Oracle LogMiner utility.
The contents of the current online redo log files are not archived until a log switch occurs. This means
that if you lose all
members of the current online redo log file, then you'll most likely lose transactions
The contents of the current online redo log files are not archived until a log switch occurs. This means
that if you lose all
members of the current online redo log file, then you'll most likely lose transactions. Listed next are
several mechanisms
you can implement to minimize the chance of failure with the online redo log files:
n Multiplex groups to have multiple members.
n If possible, don't allow two members of the same group to share a controller.
n If possible, don't put two members of the same group on the same physical disk.
n Ensure operating system file permissions are set appropriately (restrictive so that only the owner of the
Oracle binaries
has permissions to write and read).
n Use physical storage devices that are redundant (that is, RAID).
n Appropriately size the log files so that they switch and are archived at regular intervals.
n Consider setting the archive_lag_target initialization parameter to ensure that the online redo logs
are switched at
regular intervals.
Note The only tool provided by Oracle that can protect you and preserve all committed transactions in the
event you
lose all members of the current online redo log group is Oracle Data Guard implemented in Maximum
Mode. Refer to MOS note 239100.1 for more details regarding Oracle Data Guard protection modes.
The clear logfile command will drop and re-create all members of a log group for you. You can issue
command even if you have only two log groups in your database.
If the clear logfile command does not succeed because of an I/O error and it's a permanent problem, then
you will need to
consider dropping the log group and re-creating it in a different location. See the next two subsections for
directions on how to drop and re-create a log file group
When Control file error or Media recover or Instance recovery occur
CF checkpoint SCN < Data file checkpoint SCN
"Control file too old" error
Ans : Restore a newer control file or recover with the using backup controlfile clause.
CF checkpoint SCN > Data file checkpoint SCN
Ans : Media recovery required . Most likely a data file has been restored from a backup. Recovery
is now required.
CF checkpoint SCN = Data file SCN Start up normally
None Database is in mount mode, instance thread status = OPEN Crash recovery required
(And Oracle automatically performs crash recovery(instance Recovery)
Media recovery requires restore and recovery
Instance recovery requires archivelog files and redolog files
v$datafile_header uses physical datafile file on disk as a resource
v$datafile uses controlfile as a resource
When incomplete recovery is need to done ?
When online redolog file and incremental backup required for recovery are lossed then we need to go
for incomplete recovery
When you validate backup sets, RMAN actually reads the backup files as if it were doing a restore
operation ( restore madbekadare rman hege backup file na hege read madtadeyo ade tara validate
madbekadarenu read madtade)
This will indicate how much time it takes to read the files during a real restore operation (this could be
useful for troubleshooting I/O problems
Rman can perform(instead of "do" use) media recovery for physically corrupted block but logically
corrupted blocks cannot be recovered by rman
To recover logically corrupt blocks, restore datafile from backup and perform media recovery
When block ( or )blocks do not match the physical format that oracle expects then it is called Physicall
Physical corruptions are generally the result of infrastructure problems
Possible sources of physical corruption are storage array cache corruption , any filesystem bugs ,
application errors , array controller failure
When block contents are inconsistent with the logical information that oracle expects to then its called
Logical corruption
For example : one of the block header structures, which tracks the number of locks associated with rows in
the block, differs from the actual number of locks present
Another example would be if the header information on available space differs from the true available space
on the block.
RMAN> recover database until time 'sysdate - 1/48' test;
RMAN> recover database until scn 2328888 test;
RMAN> recover database until sequence 343 test;
Caution If you attempt to issue a recover tablespace until … test, RMAN will attempt to perform a
tablespace point-in- time recovery (TSPITR).
Performing Database-Level Recovery
$ rman target /
RMAN> startup mount;
RMAN> restore database;
RMAN> recover database;
RMAN> alter database open;
When recovery catalog is configured
$ rman target / catalog rcat/rcat@rcat
$ rman target /
RMAN> startup mount;
RMAN> restore database;
RMAN> recover database;
RMAN> alter database open;
Performing tablespace recovery
$ rman target / catalog rcat/rcat@rcat
$ rman target /
RMAN> alter tablespace users offline immediate;
RMAN> restore tablespace users;
RMAN> recover tablespace users;
RMAN> alter tablespace users online;
For 11g and Lower
$ rman target /
RMAN> sql 'alter tablespace users offline immediate';
RMAN> restore tablespace users;
RMAN> recover tablespace users;
RMAN> sql 'alter tablespace users online';
Performing Data File-Level Recovery
$ rman target /
RMAN> startup mount;
RMAN> alter database datafile '/u01/dbfile/o12c/users01.dbf' offline;
RMAN> alter database open;
RMAN> restore tablespace users;
RMAN> recover tablespace users;
RMAN> alter tablespace users online;
Use the RMAN report schema command to list data file names and file numbers
. Forcing RMAN to Restore a File Problem
As part of a test exercise, you attempt to restore a data file twice and receive this RMAN message:
restore not done; all files read only, offline, or already restored
In this situation, you want to force RMAN to restore the data file again
Use the force command to restore data files and archived redo log files even if they already exist in a
Restoring from an Older Backup
You want to specifically instruct RMAN to restore from a backup set that is older than the last backup that
was taken
Sol: You can restore an older backup a couple different ways: using a tag name or using the restore …
until command
list backup summary
List of Backups
Key TY LV S Device Type #Pieces #Copies Compressed Tag
-- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -
79 B F A DISK 1 1 NO TAG20120724T210842
80 B F A DISK 1 1 NO TAG20120724T210918
81 B F A DISK 1 1 NO TAG20120729T122948
$ rman target /
RMAN> startup mount;
RMAN> restore database from tag TAG20120724T210842;
RMAN> recover database;
RMAN> alter database open;
Using restore … until
You can also tell RMAN to restore data files from a point in the past using the until clause of the
restore command in
one of the following ways:
n Until SCN
n Until log sequence
n Until restore point
n Until time
RMAN> startup mount;
RMAN> restore database until scn 1254174;
RMAN> recover database;
RMAN> alter database open;
Recovering Through Resetlogs
You recently performed an incomplete recovery that required you to open your database with the open
command. Before you could back up your database, you experienced another media failure. Prior to
Oracle Database 10g,
it was extremely difficult to recover using a backup of a previous incarnation of your database. You now
wonder whether
you can get your database back in one piece.
Beginning with Oracle Database 10g, you can restore a backup from a previous incarnation and recover
through a
previously issued open resetlogs command. You simply need to restore and recover your database as
required by the
type of failure. In this example, the control files and all data files are restored:
$ rman target /
RMAN> startup nomount;
RMAN> restore controlfile from autobackup;
RMAN> alter database mount;
RMAN> restore database;
RMAN> recover database;
RMAN> alter database open resetlogs;
When we should open our database with open resetlog command?
Perform an incomplete recovery
Recover with a backup control file
Use a re-created control file and you're missing your current online redo logs
Difference between 10 and 11g
Prior to Oracle Database 10g, you were required to take a backup of your database immediately after you
reset the online
redo log files. This is because resetting the online redo log files creates a new incarnation of your
database and resets
your log sequence number back to 1. Prior to Oracle Database 10g, any backups taken before resetting
the logs could not
be easily used to restore and recover your database.
Starting with Oracle Database 10g, Oracle allows you to restore from a backup from a previous
incarnation of your
database and issue restore and recovery commands as applicable to the type of failure that has occurred.
Oracle keeps
track of log files from all incarnations of your database. The V$LOG_HISTORY view is no longer cleared
out during a
resetlogs operation and contains information for the current incarnation as well as any previous
If you're using an FRA (fast recovery area), then Oracle creates the archive redo logs using the Oracle
Managed File name
format. If you aren't using an FRA, the format mask of the archived redo log files must include the thread
(%t), sequence (%
s), and resetlogs ID (%r). For example
RMAN> list incarnation
Restoring the spfile
If you receive an error such as this when running the restore command:
RMAN-20001: target database not found in recovery catalog
RMAN set dbid 3414586809;
Not Using a Recovery Catalog, RMAN Auto Backup in Default Location
For this scenario you need to know your database identifier before you can proceed. See Recipe 10-3 for
details about
determining your DBID.
This recipe assumes that you have configured your auto backups of the spfile to go to the default
location. The default
location depends on your operating system. For Linux/Unix, the default location is ORACLE_HOME/dbs.
On Windows
systems, it's usually ORACLE_HOME\database.
$ rman target /
RMAN> startup force nomount; # start instance for retrieval of spfile
RMAN> set dbid 3414586809;
RMAN> restore spfile from autobackup;
RMAN> startup force; # startup using restored spfile
Not Using a Recovery Catalog, RMAN Auto Backup Not in Default Location
$ rman target /
RMAN> set dbid 3414586809;
RMAN> startup force nomount; # start instance for retrieval of spfile
RMAN> restore spfile from
RMAN> startup force; # startup using restored spfile
Restoring Archived Redo Log Files
Restoring controlfile
If FRA is configured and autobackup of the controlfile is configured then just use
“restore from auto backup” because Rman know about /<FRA>/<target database
SID>/autobackup/YYYY_MM_DD/<backup piece file>
If FRA is configured but autobackup of the controlfile is configured in rman then rman
uses /<FRA>/<target database SID>/backupset/YYYY_MM_DD/<backup piece file>
If recovery catalog is configured then just use “ restore controlfile “ because
Recovery catalog will be knowing all information of the backup.
If both recovery catalog and fra is not configured then first we need to set dbid
Catlog command : you can add metadata information about the backup pieces to directly
your controlfile
Catalog recovery area
It creates the additional directories and sets appropriate ownership and permissions on files for root user.
Catalog - creates data dictionary views.
Catproc - create in built PL/SQL Procedures, Packages etc
If any (a long-running )transaction can't find the undo data it needs, then it generates the well-known
Oracle snapshot-too- old error. Here's an example:
Recovering Data Files Not Backed Up
Assume that you have added a datafile and had failure before taking backup of the newly added datafile
so how do you recover it
You wonder how can we restore and recover a datafile that doesn’t exists ?
When media failure occurs then there may be 2 situations
1) .Using current controlfile (means you have loss only datafile and not controlfile , controlfile is
have entry of the newly available datafile and control file is available)
2) Using backup controlfile ( means both newly added datafile and controlfile is lossed so old
controlfile doesn’t contain information of newly added datafile)
For first situation , you can restore and recover at datafile level ,tablespace level and database level
But for 2 nd situation , you can restore and recover at database level
Using a Current Control File
In this example, we use the current control file and are recovering the tools01.dbf datafile in the newly
added tools
$ rman target /
RMAN> startup mount;
RMAN> restore tablespace tools;
You should see a message like the following in the output as RMAN re-creates the data file:
creating datafile file number=5 name=/u01/dbfile/o12c/tools01.dbf
Now issue the recover command and open the database:
RMAN> recover tablespace tools;
RMAN> alter database open;
Using a Backup Control File
This scenario is applicable anytime you use a backup control file to restore and recover a data file that
has not yet been
backed up. First, we restore a control file from a backup taken prior to when the data file was created:
$ rman target /
RMAN> startup nomount;
RMAN> restore controlfile from
'/u01/app/oracle/product/ 20120730-05';
RMAN> alter database mount;
Now you can verify the control file has no record of the tablespace that was added after the backup was
RMAN> report schema;
When the control file has no record of the data file, RMAN will throw an error if you attempt to recover
at the tablespace or
data file level. In this situation, you must use the restore database and recover database commands as
RMAN> restore database;
RMAN> recover database;
Next, you should see quite a bit of RMAN output. Near the end of the output you should see a line
similar to this indicating
that the data file has been re-created:
creating datafile file number=5 name=/u01/dbfile/o12c/tools01.dbf
Since you restored using a backup control file, you are required to open the database with the resetlogs
RMAN> alter database open resetlogs;
How It Works
Starting with Oracle Database 10g, there is enough information in the redo stream for RMAN to
automatically re-create a
data file that was never backed up. It doesn't matter whether the control file has a record of the data
Prior to Oracle Database10g, manual intervention from the DBA was required to recover a data file that
had not been
backed up yet. If Oracle identified that a data file was missing that had not been backed up, the recovery
process would
halt, and you would have to identify the missing data file and re-create it:
SQL> alter database create datafile '/u01/dbfile/o12c/tools01.dbf '
as '/u01/dbfile/o12c/tools01.dbf' size 10485760 reuse;
After re-creating the missing data file, you had to manually restart the recovery session. If you are using
an old version of
the Oracle database, see MOS note 1060605.6 for details on how to re-create a data file in this scenario.
In Oracle Database 10g and newer, this is no longer the case. RMAN automatically detects that there
isn't a backup of a
data file being restored and re-creates the data file from information retrieved from the control file
and/or redo information
as part of the restore and recovery operations
You may have disk space issues and need to spread the restored archived redo logs across multiple
locations. You can do
so as follows:
RMAN> run{
set archivelog destination to '/u01/archrest';
restore archivelog from sequence 1 until sequence 10;
set archivelog destination to '/u02/archrest';
restore archivelog from sequence 11;
} interpret-awr- reports
4 Instance Efficiency Percentage – these needs to be looked very carefully, since these are not really a good
measurement of the database performance.
For example in very processing-intensive SQL statements which are executed repeatedly, only read blocks from the buffer pool
increases the hit rate of the buffer pool. After optimizing such statements the hit ratio decreased though performance improves.
Buffer Nowait – shows how often buffer cache were accessed with no wait time.
Buffer Hit – shows how often a requested block has been found in the buffer cache without requiring disk access.
Redo NoWait – shows if log_buffer size is set correctly. Preemptive redolog switches in Oracle 11.2
Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd – shows how much time was spent on parsing while waiting for resources.
Non-Parse CPU – in the following example the the figure is close to 100% meaning that the overall CPU usage is only 0.15 % for
statement parsing.
AWR : (Automatic workload repository)
Is extremely useful to diagnose database performance issues.
ADDM (Automatic Database Diagonostic)
Is extremely used for tuning sql statements
ASH : (Active session history)
This report provides Recent active session activities.
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