Monday, 6 February 2017


The Server Control (SRVCTL) utility is installed on each node by default.


srvctl command object [options]

(In SRVCTL syntax:
  • srvctl is the command to start the SRVCTL utility.
  • command is a verb such as startstop, or remove.
  • object is an object or target on which SRVCTL performs the command, such as database or instance. You can also use object abbreviations.
  • options extend the use of a preceding command combination to include additional parameters for the command. For example, the -i option indicates that a comma-delimited list of instance names follows; sometimes the -i option only permits one value and not a list of names. The -n option indicates that a node name or a comma-delimited list of node names follows. SRVCTL prompts for user credentials when you use the -q option with any SRVCTL command.)

SRVCTL Command Reference

srvctl start

 for the start command, and for other operations that use a connect string, if you do not provide a connect string, then SRVCTL uses "/ as sysdba" to perform the operation. To run such operations, the owner of the oraclebinary executables must be a member of the OSDBA group, and users running the commands must be in the OSDBA group also.

Table E-22 srvctl start Summary
Starts the cluster database and its instances
Starts the instance
Starts the service
Starts the node applications
Starts ASM instances
Starts the specified Listener or Listeners
srvctl start database -d db_unique_name [-o start_options] [-c connect_str | -q]
is used to starts a cluster database and its enabled instances.

-d db_unique_name
Unique name for the database.
-o start_options
Options for startup command (for example: openmount, or nomount)
-c connect_str
Connect string (default: / as sysdba)
Prompt for user credentials connect string from standard input.

srvctl start instance

Starts instances in the cluster database.

Syntax and Options
Use the srvctl start instance command with the following syntax:
  instance -d db_unique_name -i inst_name_list [-o start_options] [-c connect_str | -q]
srvctl start instance -d db_unique_name -i inst_name_list [-o start_options] [-c connect_str | -q]
srvctl start instance -d db_unique_name -i inst_name_list [-o start_options] [-c connect_str 

-d db_unique_name
Unique name for the database.
-i inst_name_list
Comma-delimited instance names.
-o start_options
Options for startup command (for example: open, mount, or nomount).
-c connect_str
Connect string (default: / as sysdba).
Prompt for user credentials connect string from standard input.

srvctl start service

Starts a service or multiple services on the specified instance. The srvctl start servicecommand will fail if you attempt to start a service on an instance if that service is already running on its maximum number of instances, that is, its number of preferred instances. (Doubt)
You may move a service or change the status of a service on an instance with the srvctl modify service and srvctl relocate service commands described on and respectively.
srvctl start service -d db_unique_name [-s service_name_list [-i inst_name]] [-o start_options] [-c connect_str | -q]
The Server Control (SRVCTL) utility is installed on each node by default. You can use SRVCTL to start and stop the database and instances, manage configuration information, and to move or remove instances and services. You can also use SRVCTL to add services. SRVCTL also manages configuration information.

Only use the version of SRVCTL that is provided with Oracle Database 10g on Oracle RAC databases that are created or upgraded for Oracle Database 10g.

Always use SRVCTL from the Oracle_home of the database that you are administering.

SRVCTL does not support concurrent executions of commands on the same object. Therefore, only run one SRVCTL command at a time for each database, service, or other object.

srvctl relocate service Temporarily relocates a service member to run on another instance.

Syntax and Options
Use the srvctl relocate service command with the following syntax:

srvctl relocate service -d db_unique_name -s service_name -i old_inst_name -t new_inst_name [-f] 

Option Description
-d db_unique_name

Unique name for the database.

-s service_name

Service name.

-i old_inst_name

Old instance name.

-t new_inst_name

New instance name.


Disconnect all sessions during stop or relocate service operations.


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